Happy 6th Birthday to adorable Cadyn Elizabeth, our first frozen egg baby born at West Coast Fertility Centers.
Cadyn is a very special little girl. Although she turned 6 today, the eggs from which she was conceived were frozen in 2001 at the egg freezing program at West Coast Fertility Centers, the leading center in the country specializing in the field of fertility preservation. The Center pioneered a freezing method called the Landa Freezing Technology capable of storing embryos and eggs for young patients with cancer and women who wish to extend their fertile years until they are ready to start a family.
These pictures were taken last year during her 5th birthday when we threw a surprise party for Cadyn at West Coast Fertility Centers. A bright and outgoing redhead, Cadyn was presented with a beautiful cake, a princess tiara and a gift certificate to her favorite store. Birthday wishes and lots of hugs were exchanged until mother and daughter were off to continue the celebration at Disneyland.
Cadyn even posed with an ultrasound picture of herself when she was just 10 weeks into her mom’s pregnancy. Wittingly, Cadyn also suggested that we take a picture of her holding up a plastic egg representing that she was a frozen egg baby.
We won’t get to see Cadyn this year on her actual birthday, but we will see her next week as she will be part of a big reunion celebration. Dr. David Diaz and staff will be hosting the World’s First Reunion of Babies Born From Frozen Eggs on Saturday, October 15, 2011, to celebrate the pioneering families and their babies conceived from thawed frozen eggs. Nearly 70 joyous families and their frozen egg babies will come together to celebrate life at West Coast Fertility Centers in Orange County.
View the full press release of the frozen egg baby reunion.