“Low-Stim IVF”: Another Innovation from West Coast Fertility Center
In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a wonderful medical treatment that offers infertile patients a chance to fulfill their dream of having a child. IVF is a scientific marvel that involves fertilizing human eggs with sperm in our laboratory. It includes multiple injections, blood tests, ultrasound exams and making a financial commitment.
At West Coast Fertility Center, we are constantly trying to improve treatments for our patients and recently developed a “Low Stim IVF” protocol to help our patients; less than 35 years of age undergo a more affordable alternative to standard IVF. Prescribing a special combination of medication to our patients means lower cost, fewer injections and less frequent office visits during the ovarian stimulation cycle.
To help minimize multiple births, West Coast Fertility Center policy is to transfer two (2) embryos in our patients under 35 years of age, thereby lessening the need to create multiple embryos. Using “Low-Stim IVF” helps to eliminate the need to store large numbers of frozen surplus embryos which typically occurs during a standard IVF cycle.
WCFC has offered “Low-Stim IVF” since December 2009 and we are happy to report a 50% pregnancy rate with this new protocol. This pregnancy rate is very similar to our standard IVF, thus making it a very viable alternative to selected patients. To find out more about this exciting option please contact us, or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 714-513-1399.