The video “Safety of Egg Freezing” demonstrates the preservation of the oocyte meiotic spindle and orderly alignment of the chromosomes using the LANDA Technique. This shows that there was no difference in meiotic spindle integrity in frozen/thawed oocytes (eggs) compared to fresh oocytes.
Previously, the low success described in early published medical articles seemed to perpetuate the false notion that egg freezing would never become a reality. It is probable that some reporting clinics and IVF programs may have used suboptimal protocols that yield very low success rates and disappointing pregnancy rates. The concept and the demand for egg freezing existed but, obviously, a new direction of thinking was needed to identify the specific requirements for the freezing and thawing of eggs versus embryos.
Fortunately, the medical and scientific team at West Coast Fertility Centers believed differently about the future of cryopreservation. Building on our high success rate with embryo freezing, our focus turned to the systematic analysis of the anatomy and the fluid composition of a human oocyte and its special requirements needed to survive the rigors of very low freezing temperature and still maintain its integrity.
By making continuous modification in our techniques, our team of scientists have perfected the LANDA Technology for egg freezing (cryopreservation) and thawing resulting in the birth of 59 healthy babies and 8 on-going pregnancies as of December 2010. This number is among the highest in the nation from a single fertility clinic and also includes high numbers of ongoing pregnancies from the use of frozen eggs.