Frozen Donor Eggs vs. Traditional Egg Donation

West Coast Fertility Centers have matched hundreds of frozen eggs with intended parents who have chosen donor eggs as the most effective way to start or enlarge their family. Several advantages are apparent when comparing frozen donor eggs vs. traditional donor eggs. Some of these advantages are: Frozen eggs are more affordable The cost of [...]

By | November 11th, 2010|Science & Technology|

Low-Stim IVF

“Low-Stim IVF”: Another Innovation from West Coast Fertility Center In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a wonderful medical treatment that offers infertile patients a chance to fulfill their dream of having a child. IVF is a scientific marvel that involves fertilizing human eggs with sperm in our laboratory. It includes multiple injections, blood tests, ultrasound exams and [...]

By | February 23rd, 2010|Science & Technology|