Egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, is now a reality in the specialty of reproductive endocrinology and infertility. It has found new applications in women wishing to preserve their fertility for medical indications or personal reasons.
Innovative research at West Coast Fertility Centers began to unravel some of the mysteries associated with egg freezing. Since the year 2000, our scientific team has made numerous innovative modifications to special biochemical solutions used to protect the eggs before they can be frozen.
As our experience with egg freezing expanded, we noted a more efficient diffusion of the protective freezing fluids into the egg cell. This led to the preservation of the egg’s vital structures like the chromosomes, the meiotic spindle, and the mitochondria. Our frozen egg thaw survival rate rose to 91% compared to 10% with early studies in the 1980s. A research protocol for egg freezing with informed consent was approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB).
We are a network of 8 IVF centers located in the U.S. working together to offer egg freezing and thawing services to their patient population using the innovative technique developed by Dr. David Diaz and his team of scientists.
As of April 2011, there have been 62 successful frozen egg births with 8 on-going pregnancies from our centers.
We are pleased to announce that Overlake Reproductive Health is our affiliate in Washington state. Overlake Reproductive Health has 3 locations to serve you in Washington.
Bellevue Address:
Overlake Reproductive Health
1135 116th Ave NE, Suite 640
Bellevue, WA 98004
Kirkland Address:
Evergreen Professional Center
12303 NE 130th Lane, Suite 400
Kirkland, WA 98034
Issaquah Address:
Issaquah Medical Center
450 NW Gilman Boulevard, Suite 204
Issaquah, WA 98027